To further improve transaction rates, consider adding additional security indicators such as your company brand name to the address bar by installing Extended Validation (EV) certificates on your site. Research shows that visitors displaying the company-branded EV address bar are more likely to complete transactions including purchases, sharing personal information, and signing up for new services. They also are more inclined to associate positive qualities like high levels of customer service, stability, and trustworthiness with companies displaying the branded address bar.
Google Chrome and Firefox both require that all web pages be encrypted by SSL regardless of whether or not transactions take place on them or the type of content served. Any page not under https will automatically receive a “Not secure” warning at the top of the browser interface. The only way to prevent these warnings is for all pages in your site to be protected by SSL.
Popular search engines improve the search rankings of SSL-enabled pages algorithmically.
That makes it an easy and inexpensive way to improve SEO performance.
Many important regulatory and industry standards require that online businesses protect personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), credit card numbers, and other sensitive data. Failure to do so can result in fines, loss of privileges, and other non-compliance penalties.