• TLS/SSL Certificate Brands
    • RapidSSL - simple site security for less. It provides basic level customer confidence with the https, closed padlock and a static trust mark.
    • A range of digital certificate and trust products enable organizations of all sizes to maximize the security of their digital transactions cost-effectively.
    • The ideal solution for enterprises and large organizations. The Internet most recognized and trusted SSL brand.
    • A quick, cost-efficient, and effective solution to build secure connection. PositiveSSL certificates show your customers you’re employing serious security measures to keep their transactions and data safe.
    • SECTIGO, formerly COMODO CA, Creating trust online for individuals, e-merchants, enterprise, with its robust SSL security.
    • i
      How organizations best manage their certificate lifecycle?

      Download E-book
  • Certificate Products
    • Single Domain SSL
      One for main domain with free 'www' coverage.
    • Wildcard SSL
      Protect unlimited sub domains under main website.
    • Multi-Domain SSL
      One certificate for multiple domain names.
    • Domain Validation SSL
      It is quick and cost-efficient, really. Basic protection.
    • Organization Validation SSL
      It gives your website an online idenity. For SMBs to strengthen web trust.
    • Extended Validation SSL
      Stand out your buiness entity, protect brand and transactions.
    • Email (Client) Certificate
      Encrypt and signed email, enable two-factor authentication, and implement strong digital trust practices throughout your organization.
    • Code Signing Certificate
      Boost Software Adoption and improve customer's trust with Code Signing. Digitally sign Code across popular platforms.
  • Domain
    • Domain Reseller
      Reseller Pricing & TLDs
    • Transfer Domain
      Transfer domain into BestCert
  • Site Builder
  • PKI Solutions
  • Partner


Stop application and software tampering so customers know their downloaded files are published as intended. That's digital trust for the real world.

Protect your intellectual property

Code signing certificates allow customers to verify that your code is authentic and has not been tampered with—protecting both parties against fraud, malware and theft.

Prevent security warning labels

Your customers expect a smooth and professional installation process when they download your software. Digitally signed programs can avoid warning messages during download and install for better adoption.

Efficient monitoring and enforcement

When a piece of code is digitally signed, you can easily detect modified files. Additionally, code signed with a timestamp?tells a user that the code was signed with a valid certificate even after the actual certificate expires.

Meet platform requirements

The partners, channels and platforms that distribute your software expect you to safeguard their customers'?data. Signing software?shows your commitment to their safety and is often a contractual requirement.

OV Code Signing EV Code Signing
Price $390/year $519/year
Term Length 1-3 Yr 1-3 Yr
Encrypted Digital Signature
Hardware Token for 2-Step Authentication
Instant reputation for Microsoft Smartscreen filter
Extended Validation for Organizations


EV Code Signing increases trust and adoption

Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates include all the standard benefits of digitally signed code plus a rigorous vetting process and hardware security requirement, so your users can have even greater confidence in the integrity of your applications.

Two-factor authentication

An encrypted token containing the private key is stored on a USB device that you receive after you purchase your certificate. Only those who have the physical device can sign code with your EV code signing certificate, providing reinforced authentication and enhanced security.

Time-sensitive signing

Adding an optional timestamp means your signature lives on even after the original EV code signing certificate used to sign it has expired. Without a timestamp, your signature expires when the certificate expires, requiring you to re-sign your code.

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Automatically gain trusted status on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen? Reputation filter, thereby reducing warning messages and increasing brand reputation and end-user trust.

Support for hardware security modules

DigiCert EV Code Signing Certificates can be installed on HSMs, giving you more control over your certificates and their private keys. Anyone in your organization with authorized access to the HSM can use the stored certificate to sign code.

Universal platform compatibility

There is no need to reissue your certificate to sign code for a different platform (e.g., Authenticode, Kernel Mode, etc.)

DigiCert EV Code signing Certificate issued by DigiCert CA who is Globally recognized Certificate Authority.

DigiCert EV Code signing SSL is 100% trust in the SmartScreen Filter, which is a part of Windows Operation System.

Windows 10 requires EV Code Sign SSL for user-mode and kernel mode drivers.

And, it is beyond the desktop, also true security for code in a mobile world!

Digitally Sign Adobe AIR Applications

Digital signatures for Windows ActiveX with Microsoft Authenticode file signing and kernel mode. Easily sign code for a variety of Microsoft applications, including Visual Basic Applications and Office.

Digitally sign Java Code Applets with the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). JAR applets with trusted digital signatures can access client-side resources..

Since code signing was introduced by Apple in Mac OS 9 and later, code signing certificates are now able to sign applications for authenticated use in Mac OS.

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