• TLS/SSL Certificate Brands
    • RapidSSL - simple site security for less. It provides basic level customer confidence with the https, closed padlock and a static trust mark.
    • A range of digital certificate and trust products enable organizations of all sizes to maximize the security of their digital transactions cost-effectively.
    • The ideal solution for enterprises and large organizations. The Internet most recognized and trusted SSL brand.
    • A quick, cost-efficient, and effective solution to build secure connection. PositiveSSL certificates show your customers you’re employing serious security measures to keep their transactions and data safe.
    • SECTIGO, formerly COMODO CA, Creating trust online for individuals, e-merchants, enterprise, with its robust SSL security.
    • i
      How organizations best manage their certificate lifecycle?

      Download E-book
  • Certificate Products
    • Single Domain SSL
      One for main domain with free 'www' coverage.
    • Wildcard SSL
      Protect unlimited sub domains under main website.
    • Multi-Domain SSL
      One certificate for multiple domain names.
    • Domain Validation SSL
      It is quick and cost-efficient, really. Basic protection.
    • Organization Validation SSL
      It gives your website an online idenity. For SMBs to strengthen web trust.
    • Extended Validation SSL
      Stand out your buiness entity, protect brand and transactions.
    • Email (Client) Certificate
      Encrypt and signed email, enable two-factor authentication, and implement strong digital trust practices throughout your organization.
    • Code Signing Certificate
      Boost Software Adoption and improve customer's trust with Code Signing. Digitally sign Code across popular platforms.
  • Domain
    • Domain Reseller
      Reseller Pricing & TLDs
    • Transfer Domain
      Transfer domain into BestCert
  • Site Builder
  • PKI Solutions
  • Partner

Geotrust® True BusinessID with EV SSL

GeoTrust True Business ID EV - The highest level of brand protection for your growing business and the industry standard for e-commerce websites. 

Extended Validation (EV) provides maximum credibility and security. Brands that are serious about protecting customer information insist on using EV on checkout pages or anywhere sensitive information is shared.

GeoTrust True Business ID EV  is backed by a $1,500,000 warranty for a great peace of mind, so if anything goes wrong on GeoTrust's end – you're covered. 

Research has shown that visitors are more likely to interact with your site—whether that means making a purchase, signing up for your newsletter, or registering for your services - if they see the green bar. In fact, in an independent study conducted by Tec-Ed, 97 percent of survey participants said that they would be more comfortable sharing personal and financial information on sites that display the green EV SSL bar. If EV Green is not supported at browsers, organization name will be displayed mostly. 

1-yr, $213/year
2-yr, $202/year, save 5%!
3-yr, $199/year, save 6.7%!
Extended Validation, Green Bar
Highest Assurance, prevent phishing
2048-bit public key crypto or higher
More trust, more conversion
Organization displayed in bar
Browser and Mobile compatibility
www & non www
Priority Validation
Free Unlimited server license
GeoTrust dynamic seal
RSA, DSA & ECC algorithm
$1,500,000 warranty
Certificate Seal:

GeoTrust SSL guide

EV SSL guide

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